2024 Leagues & Events

The introductory meetings for each league have been set and can be found below. You can click the button below to purchase your league registration right now!

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Ladies Leagues

Tuesday Morning Ladies:
A fun league and an opportunity to meet a great bunch of ladies.  Runs Tuesday mornings at 9:30am and runs until the end of September. It is open to pass holders and daily fee players. It is a fun, social league with a nine hole format.

Introductory Meeting is set for Tuesday April 16th, 2024 at 10:30AM in the clubhouse.
Thursday Morning Senior Ladies:
Fun and friendship! This league runs on Thursday mornings starting. It is open to all ladies age 65 and over. A fun and social nine holes are played on the front nine each week.

Introductory Meeting is set for Thursday April 18th, 2024 at 10:00AM in the clubhouse.
Thursday Evening Ladies:
Want a fun,social, welcoming golf night? Join us! This nine hole league runs on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30pm. If you are more comfortable, we encourage you to sign up with a friend. This is a fun casual league that gives you the opportunity to meet new golfing friends. There are no golf lessons in this league so basic skills are required.

Introductory Meeting is set for Thursday April 18th, 2024 at 6:30PM in the clubhouse.

Mixed Leagues

Wednesday Morning Seniors Mixed:
This mixed league is all about fun, exercise, and socializing. Reconnect with old friends and make new ones! Our seniors league runs Wednesday mornings. It is a fun, nine hole league open to daily fee golfers and pass holders 55 years and older.

Introductory Meeting is set for Wednesday April 17th, 2024 at 10:00AM in the clubhouse.
Wednesday Evening Mixed:
This mixed adult evening league is a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends or even make new ones. The format will be based on individual scores, so a golf handicap is required. Don't have an established handicap? We can help you with that. This league runs May through August and tee times start between 5 and 6pm on Wednesday evenings. Open to daily fee or pass holder golfers

Introductory Meeting is set for Wednesday April 17th, 2024 at 6:30PM in the clubhouse.


Let us help you plan your golf outing. For company events, family groups, work windups or whatever your reason, we have options for your tournament available. Our course is long but forgiving so it is good for all playing abilities.

Events are only booked through our office so please call directly at 403-343-3170 or click Contact Us.

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